3 Responses to “”

  1. SASHA Says:

    this might sound strange but i found this post and the two prior to be so insanely beautiful they actually made me feel ill. it does sound weird. but it’s a reaction i sometimes have to intensity of beauty, it brings on a feeling of nausea. i don’t know why, but it’s an amazing feeling, not a bad one. a different nausea.

  2. MM Says:

    Thank you, Sasha. This post is recent film using an old Contax 35mm. 2012 has been a pretty emotional year so far. Thanks for sticking around and always looking. X

  3. SASHA Says:

    yes i feel that, the emotionality, so strongly here lately. it has always been there in your posts, why i want to come here. but lately. something different, a new level, further.

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