2 Responses to “”

  1. SASHA Says:

    the internet was a harder place to be when you were taking your minute (the deserved minute, however many minutes), mainly because i didn’t know how long the minute would last, things are harder when they lack a visible end point. this post is beautiful. i feel like i always say, this post is beautiful. they are, always, and i don’t have a thesaurus, and i would feel so bad looking in a thesaurus to find a better way to tell you how beautiful this all is. i feel it would do something, corrode the beauty here, the last thing i want to do. just use the same word, to express something that feels different each time. there’s something wrong with using the same word to express so many things, but also something i like about that, something so right about it. everything is more than what it is, so many things are anyway. everything you do is, there is so much in it all the time.

  2. msh Says:


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